Returning to the way of life and the convention of Uttar Pradesh, Rajkummar Rao and Kriti Kharbanda’s Shaadi Mei Zaroor Aana indeed conveys the kind of Lucknow to the silver screen. Subsequent to uncovering the main notice of his ‘unique’ wedding background on Monday, Rajkummar Rao has now shared the trailer of the film. In the right around three minutes in length trailer, we see Rajkummar otherwise known as Satyendra Mishra as the kid adjacent and Kriti Kharbanda in the part of a white-collar class young lady Aarti Shukla. The two meet each other without precedent for an ordinarily orchestrated marriage setup and bit by bit fall for each other. Exactly when you are grinning at the prospect of them getting hitched, there comes a turn. Kriti forsakes Rajkummar upon the arrival of their wedding.
What takes after next is vindicate assuming control love. This time Rajkummar is resolved to deliver retribution on Kriti for his broken heart. Presently what might enthusiasm to see on November 10 when the motion picture hits the venues is whether similar to some other Bollywood sentimental motion picture, this one too will have an upbeat consummation or will Kriti pay for what she did. In the midst of all the dramatization, one thing is without a doubt, similar to some other wedding-themed film, this one too will have some ear-mitigating tracks.
Coordinated by Ratna Sinha, the motion picture has Rajkummar sharing the screen space with Raaz 4 notoriety Kriti out of the blue. With his most recent discharge Newton, being chosen as India’s legitimate section to the Oscars 2018 and going solidly in the cinema world, Rajkummar has raised the desires from this one.
Here's the first look poster of #ShaadiMeinZaroorAana. Releasing on 10th November. Kuch alag hi hai ye Shaadi, kyun @kriti_official
— Rajkummar Rao (@RajkummarRao) October 9, 2017