Rohit Shetty directorial Golmaal Again hit the box office with a bang. As per the recent news total gathering of the film, featuring Ajay Devgn, Tabu, Arshad, Parineeti Chopra, Warsi, Tusshar Kapoor, Kunal Kemmu has been uncovered that the film has crossed the Rs 250 crore check worldwide and now its accumulations remain at Rs 252.02 crores.
Ramesh Bala shared in his latest tweet, “Congrats #GolmaalAgain Team for 250 Cr WW Gross! India: Nett – ₹ 167.52 cr Gross – ₹ 214.42 cr Overseas – ₹ 37.60 cr Tot – ₹ 252.02 cr.” Also, now Golmaal Again is the second most noteworthy worker after Baahubali: The Conclusion in India. The SS Rajamouli film made Rs 510.99 crore in the local market. After Golmaal Again, it is David Dhawan’s Judwaa 2 which worked together of Rs 138.31 crore in India.Regardless of a conflict with Aamir Khan’s Secret Superstar, Golmaal Again figured out how to pull more group of onlookers to the theaters due to its ideal mix.
Parineeti said, “It is dreamy to even believe that I am the heroine of a film that did so well at the box office, especially in a year where so many films have not done too well. Golmaal Again released and it kind of injected life back into the industry, I am happy that I am the heroine of the film.”
Congrats #GolmaalAgain Team for 250 Cr WW Gross!
Nett – ₹ 167.52 cr
Gross – ₹ 214.42 cr
Overseas – ₹ 37.60 cr
Tot – ₹ 252.02 cr
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) October 30, 2017