Secret Superstar is an upcoming Indian melodic dramatization movie. The film is composed and coordinated by Advait Chandan and created by Kiran Rao and Aamir Khan. The film highlights Zaira Wasim, Aamir Khan and Meher Vij in lead parts, and recounts the tale of a kid who tries to be an artist. It would seem that Aamir Khan and Advait Chandan’s Secret Superstar has another layer to it. The motion picture appears to allegedly be propelled by the encounters of Assamese reality indicate artist Nahid Afrin.
Nahid Afrin’s story in Secret Superstar
Various Islamic associations had passed a fatwa against Nahid Afrin for singing out in the open, and crap had hit the fan. Be that as it may, the determined and spunky young lady held fast, and kept on singing. From the film’s first screening, a guest present revealed, “It has definitely been inspired by the story of the Assamese girl, who was pulled up by clerics for singing. She’s been turned into a Kashmiri girl, played by Zaira Wasim. The Dangal girl is brilliant as a singing sensation, who can’t be stopped by her music-loathing father. Aamir plays a flamboyant, flirty music director, who encourages and supports her. He’s clearly modelled his character on Nadeem of Nadeem-Shravan fame.”
At the point when addressed in the matter of why the cause of the heroes’ character were kept a mystery, the source shrugs, “Probably to avoid copyright infringement hassles.”