Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan is certainly the Lord of Bollywood, in each feeling of a word. Despite various film industry hits and disappointments, the ever-enduring performing artist keeps on decision heart with uniform force. Other than his blockbuster films, Shah Rukh Khan is famously known for his wit, regardless of whether it’s the point at which he’s dramatic or just on some other customary day.
Shah Rukh Khan is additionally known and acknowledged for communicating with fans, more than some other big name, through different social networking sites, or from the porch of his home, Mannat. Agitated to the fame of the performing artist, fans are constantly inquisitive about his express individual subtle elements. All things considered, it’s a typical human instinct, that we need to know everything about the individual we love to such a degree.
On the eve of King Khan’s birthday at his home “Mannat”, the on-screen character has addressed some much excessively individual inquiries. In the middle of the lines, a columnist asked SRK his feeling on “Paani Puri”. Furthermore, the answer he got was all that left everyone amused. SRK answered, I don’t eat Paani Puri from the very beginning, although, now I’m eating everything like Samosa, Paani Puri and Vada Paav for the sake of Anand L Rai”.