Shah Rukh Khan through his Twitter handle was about his hard day at work with Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone. Prior he had clicked with his driving women Kajol, Rani Mukerji, Alia Bhatt, Sridevi and Karisma Kapoor which aroused the interest of his fans about what the actor is doing. In any case, this much energy appears somewhat less for Shah Rukh who has now posted photographs with his other arrangement of driving women including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Madhuri Dixit, and Alia Bhatt.
Late on Friday night, the Jab Harry Met Sejal performer shared a collection of photographs. Despite the fact that the actor didn’t say on the off chance that he has an undertaking thinking of the three pretty women, he had a charming message for them. He stated, “Beautiful women…cos each one has helped me be a better man. Thank u girls & be as strong & as gentle as u are.” After perusing SRK’s message for Madhuri, Kareena and Alia we know how he figures out how to beguile the ladies around him with his affection, regard, and worship.
The photo helps us to remember the sizzling chemistry between Shah Rukh Khan and Madhuri in Yash Chopra’s Dil Toh Pagal Hai which happens to be the fondest Bollywood memory of each 90 kid. With Kareena, the King Of Romance raised the temperatures of the silver screen with the exceptional melody in his film Don and with Alia, Shah Rukh turned into the best ‘Dimag Ka Doctor’ in Dear Zindagi. He advanced into the hearts of the women with his patent valor and his dimples.
On the work front, Shah Rukh is occupied with Anand L Rai’s untitled film where he plays a diminutive person. The film additionally stars his Jab Tak Hai Jaan co-stars, Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif.
Beautiful women…cos each one has helped me be a better man. Thank u girls & be as strong & as gentle as u are.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) November 17, 2017