It is Shah Rukh Khan’s 52 birthday. The actor has gone to Alibaug for festivities with wife Gauri Khan and kids Suhana Khan and AbRam. The birthday bash of Bollywood’s hotshot will be a starry issue. Not only his besties Karan Johar and Farah Khan have set aside a few minutes for the night yet additionally the adoration fowls Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra alongside Katrina Kaif have swung up to wish a super upbeat birthday to the star.
As though that was insufficient, in a photo shared by Farah we see Shah Rukh transforming into a photographic artist as the other two producers are posturing for him.Afterward, we saw Padmavati performer Deepika Padukone denoting her quality at SRK’s bash.
In October, Shah Rukh Khan was spotted making a beeline for his extravagant Alibaug cabin to ring in the birthday of his woman adore Gauri Khan. Going with him was dear companion Farah Khan and Shah Rukh’s more youthful child, AbRam. Presently following a month, a day in front of King Khan’s 52nd birthday, we saw Gauri going to Alibaug with Shweta Bachchan and other dear loved ones to make her better half’s day a unique one.
The paparazzi got the opportunity to tap the star spouse at the Gateway Of India from where she needed to board a ship to Alibaug. Among other people who were good to go for the festivals included Shah Rukh’s head-turner girl Suhana Khan, her companions Ananya Pandey and Shanaya Kapoor, little AbRam, fashioner Vikram Phadnis, Shweta Nanda Bachchan and others.