With the recent blockbuster success at the Box-Office with ‘Judwaa 2’, Varun Dhawan will now star in Shoojit Sircar’s next film ‘October’. Varun Dhawan had tweeted earlier that the film will release next year on June 1, 2018, but now the film has been preponed and it will hit the screens on April 13, 2018. Varun from his Twitter account shared a still of the film and said, “As #October ends, it arrives earlier next year #OCTOBER13thapril. #octoberiscoming.”
October is the actor’s first outing with Shoojit Sircar. Varun and Shoojit had finally ended the hunt and found the leading lady, Banita Sandhu opposite Varun in the movie. Juhi Chaturvedi wrote this slice-of-life love story.
“Our stories come from day today intricacies & complexities of life…the effort is always to find insightful and charming nuances in what seems the obvious. With Shoojit’s innate ability to steer the story in a way that creates poignant and compelling moments out of simple situations of life, I am hoping this time too we create something people find a connect with and make their own,” Juhi said.
Rising Sun Films have the affinity for faithfully holding fast to the regular day to day existence, embellishing it with minutes that stay scratched in the hearts of their group of onlookers. With October the blasting rod pushes ahead.
As October comes to an end it arrives earlier next year. #October releases on 13 th April now.@ShoojitSircar @ronnielahiri @BanitaSandhu pic.twitter.com/1OtO1zjlo2
— VarunDhawan (@Varun_dvn) October 30, 2017