Around 70 percent shooting of Tollywood star Varun Tej’s next film has been finished as the makers declared on Monday that it will hit the screens worldwide during the Valentine week one year from now. The upcoming film, featuring Raashi Khanna as the female lead, is yet to get the title. The makers said the film, which is touted to be another age sentimental flick, will open in theaters on February 9. Actor Suhasini, Priyadarshini are among others to play role in the film.
Bankrolled by BVSN Prasad under Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra, most of the film has been shot in the extraordinary areas of London. Cinematographer George C Williams, who has turned the camera for a portion of the enormous south blockbusters like Naanum Rowdydhaan and Theri, is dealing with the camera for this one as well. Varun Tej was most recently seen in Fidaa. The film was proclaimed a hit in the cinema world.
Raashi Khanna, then, is having some fantastic luck in the south Indian film industry. Her introduction Malayalam film Villian, featuring Mohanlal in the number one spot, released last Friday and is said to do well in the Kerala film industry. “Wearing your words on my smile!! Thank you for appreciating my work in #Villain Your love and support means everything (sic),” she tweeted.
Coming in the month of love…#VT6 on Feb 9th 2018
Other details to follow soon!@RaashiKhanna @MusicThaman @dirvenky_atluri @george_dop— Varun Tej Konidela (@IAmVarunTej) October 30, 2017