Akshay Kumar is the new hero of Bollywood. This new tag is given to Khiladi Kumar by none other than Amitabh Bachchan in the latest released trailer of PadMan. The producer of the film, Twinkle Khanna, has at long last released the much-anticipated trailer of PadMan, a film in light of the genuine story of Coimbatore-based Arunachalam Muruganantham who took upon himself the onus of giving less expensive sanitary napkins to the ladies of his town.
The trailer starts with a voice-over by senior Bachchan who presents the American superheroes and after that presents India’s new hero, PadMan. We soon meet Akshay Kumar’s character Lakshmikanth, whose task to fabricate cheap sanitary napkins brings about him conveying a speech on menstrual cleanliness at the UN Headquarters. Radhika Apte, who plays the on-screen spouse of Akshay’s character, is a bonehead and depicts that segment of ladies for whom their pride holds more significance than their wellbeing and cleanliness. Be that as it may, the dead spirits of PadMan are lifted by Sonam Kapoor, who assumes the part of an instructor in the R. Balki directorial.
Akshay’s last release Toilet Ek Prem Katha prevailing with regards to touching the fans heart and subsequent to viewing the trailer of PadMan, we can pull for the film to leave a more noteworthy effect on society. Sharing the trailer on his official Twitter handle, Akshay expressed,“Presenting the much awaited #PadManTrailer, this one’s for the mad ones, the ones who are crazy enough to change the world.” Sonam also tweeted the trailer and wrote, “Great things come of out passion and PAD MAN is a great example of this. Thank you to everyone who has got us this far, I hope you enjoy the trailer!” PadMan, with the slogan “Hero hai yeh pagla”, will hit the screens on January 26, 2018.
Presenting the much awaited #PadManTrailer, this one's for the mad ones, the ones who are crazy enough to change the world https://t.co/o2NiC2q1SU@PadManTheFilm @sonamakapoor @radhika_apte @mrsfunnybones @SonyPicsIndia @kriarj #RBalki
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 15, 2017
Great things come of out passion and PAD MAN is a great example of this. Thank you to everyone who has got us this far, I hope you enjoy the trailer!@PadManTheFilm @akshaykumar @radhika_apte #RBalki #PadManTrailer @SonyPicsIndia @mrsfunnybones @kriarj https://t.co/y4Wwqi9oYZ
— Sonam K Ahuja (@sonamakapoor) December 15, 2017