Mineral Engineering & Fuel Technology Notes VSSUT | MEFT Notes VSSUT


Mineral Engineering & Fuel Technology Notes VSSUT – MEFT Notes VSSUT of Total Complete Notes

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Link: Complete Notes

Module – 1

Introduction to mineral and mineral Engineering,

Flow chat to show the relationship of mineral engineering with mining and extractive metallurgy engineering, Minerals definition ,Characteristic of mineral ,

Rock vs mineral,Mineral Vs Ore,Physical properties of mineral ,

Uses of some mineral, A minimum metal content required for a deposit to qualify as an ore varies from metal to metal.

Ore types : on the basis of nature of valuable mineral,on the basis of nature of their gangues.

Link: Module – 1

Module – 2

Concentration,Physical Methods to concentrate ores,

Sorting , gravity concentration ,froth flotation ,Magnetic separation , electrostatic separation ,Gravity separation or gravity concentration,
Principles of gravity concentration : Concentration criteria, Advantages of gravity separation are.

Gravity separation operation : Jigs process, Jigging operation (Expansion and contraction of bed due to jig action) Principle of jigging , Jigging vs classification, Jigging cycle,Jigs types

Uses of jigs,Differential motion table separator, Wilfley table, Operating parameters

Flowing film concentrator, Heavy media separation or dense media separation : (HMS)or (DMS).

Link: Module – 2

Module – 3

Agglomeration,Agglomeration techniques,briquetting ,nodulising[rotar y kiln sintering ,vacuum extrusion ,sintering ,pelletising. Sintering technique,Process variables in sintering ,

Equipment for sintering [DWILIGHT LLYOED SINTERING MACHINE ],Mechanism of sintering
layer below the ignited top layer undergoes changes in the order. Sinter types ,Pelletisation technique ,Process of pelletisation , bonding theory.

Link: Module – 3

Module – 4

Primary energy resources of the World,Fuels and their general classification ,Classification…,

Coal ,Some important terms ,Basis for reporting the analysis of coal ,Classification of coal

Coal washing,Principle of coal washing ,Proximate analysis:  ,Ultimate analysis of coal

Determination of carbon and hydrogen in coal,Determination of nitrogen in coal

Calorific value and its determination,Higher calorific value or gross calorific value,

Lower or net calorific value,Carbonization type .

Link: Module – 4

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