Data Structure Lab Manual Pdf – DS Lab manual pdf


Data Structure Lab Manual Pdf – DS Lab manual pdf file

Please download the Data Structure Lab Manual Pdf – DS Lab manual pdf file in the below provided links.
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Lab manual experiment names

1 Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:

a) Create a singly linked list of integers.b) Delete a given integer from the above linked list. c) Display the contents of the above list after deletion.
2. Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:

a) Create a doubly linked list of integers. b) Delete a given integer from the above doubly linked list. c) Display the contents of the above list after deletion.

3.Write a C program that uses stack operations to convert a given infix expression into its postfix Equivalent, Implement the stack using an array.

4 .Write C programs to implement a double ended queue ADT using

i) array and ii) doubly linked list respectively.

5 .Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:

a) Create a binary search tree of characters. b) Traverse the above Binary search tree recursively in Postorder.

6. Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:

a) Create a binary search tree of integers. b) Traverse the above Binary search tree non recursively in inorder.

7. Write C programs for implementing the following sorting methods to arrange a list of integers in ascending order: a) Insertion sort b) Merge sort

8. Write C programs for implementing the following sorting methods to arrange a list of integers in ascending order: a) Quick sort b) Selection sort

9 i) write a C program to perform the following operation:

A) Insertion into a B-tree ii) Write a C program for implementing Heap sort algorithm for sorting a given list of integers in ascending order.

10. Write a C program to implement all the functions of a dictionary (ADT) using hashing.

11. Write a C program for implementing Knuth-Morris- Pratt pattern matching algorithm.

12 Write C programs for implementing the following graph traversal algorithms:

a)Depth first traversal b)Breadth first traversal

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