Distributed Systems Pdf Notes – DS Notes | Free Lecture Notes download


Here you can download the free lecture Notes of Distributed Systems Notes pdf – DS notes pdf materials with multiple file links to download. The Distributed Systems Pdf Notes (Distributed Systems lecture notes) starts with the topics covering The different forms of computing, Distributed Computing Paradigms Paradigms and Abstraction, The Socket API-The Datagram Socket API, Message passing versus Distributed Objects, Distributed Objects Paradigm (RMI), Grid Computing Introduction, Open Grid Service Architecture, etc.

Distributed Systems Pdf Notes - Distributed Systems Notes Pdf - distributed systems lecture notes
The Distributed Systems Pdf Notes – Distributed Systems Notes Pdf – distributed systems lecture notes

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Note :- These notes are according to the R09 Syllabus book of JNTU.In R13 and R15,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in R13 and R15 syllabus. If you have any doubts please refer to the JNTU Syllabus Book.

Distributed Systems Pdf Notes


Introduction Definitions.The different forms of computing – Monolithic. Distributed, Parallel and cooperative computing, the meaning of Distributed computing, Examples of Distributed systems. the strengths and weaknesses of Distributed computing, operating system concepts relevant to distributed computing,Network basics, the architecture of distributed applications, lnterprocess communications-An Archetypal IPC Program Interface Event synchronization timeouts and threading , deadlocks and timeouts Data representation Data encoding Text based protocols , request response protocols, event diagram and sequence diagram connection – oriented versus connectionless IPC, the evolution pf pardigms for IPCS


Distributed Computing Paradigms Paradigms and Abstraction,Paradigms for Distributed Applications Message Passing Paradigm, The Client-Server Paradigm . The peer-to-peer Paradigm, Message system (or MOM) Paradigm – the point-to-point message model and the publish/subscribe message model, RPC model, The Distributed . Objects Paradigms — RMI, ORB, the object space Paradigm, The Mobile Agent Paradigm, the Network Services Paradigm, The collaborative application ( Groupware Paradigm) ,choosing a Paradigm for an application.


The Socket API-The Datagram Socket API.The Stream-Mode Socket API .Client-Server Paradigm Issues. Connection- Oriented and Connection less Servers.Iterative and Concurrent Servers. Group Communication-Unicasting versus Multicasting.Multicast APl,Connectionless versus Connection-Oriented Multicast.Reliablc Multicasting vcrsns Unreliable Multicastingffhe Java Basic Multicast API.


Distributed Objects Paradigm (RMI) , Message passing versus Distributed Objects, An Archetypal Distributed Object Architecture, Disuibuted Object Systems, RPC, RMI, The Java RMI Architecture, Java RMI API, A sample RM! Application, steps for building an RM] application, testing and debugging. comparison of RMI and socket API .


Distributed Object Paradigm(CORBA) The basic Architecture. The CORBA object interface, Inter-ORB protocols, object servers and object clients,CORBA object referenoes,CORBA Naming Service and the Interoperable Naming Service, CORBA object services, object Adapters, Java IDL, An example CORBA application.


Grid Computing Introduction, Grid Computing Anatomy – The Grid Problem.The Concept of Virtual 0rganizaLions,Grid Architecture, Grid Architecture and relationship to other Distributed Technologies, Grid computing road map. Merging the Grid services Architecture with the Web Services Architecture.


Open Grid Service Architecture – Introduction. Architecture and Goal, Sample Use cases: Conunercial Data Center, National Fusion Collaboratory, Online Media and Entertainment. OGSA platform Components, Open Grid Services Infrastructure.


Globus GT 3 Toolkit – Architecture, Programming Model, A sample implementalion.


1. A Networking Appnoach to Grid Computing. D.MinoIi, Wiley & sons.
2. Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to Technology and Applications. A.Abbas, Firewall Media.
3. Java Network Programming, E.R.Harold, 2nd edition, 0‘Reilly, SPD.
4. Distributed Systems, Concepts and Design, 3rd edition, GCOul0Ufi8. J.Dol1 imore and Tim Kindbirg, Pearson Education.
5. Ilava Programming with CORBA, 3rd edition, Brose, Vogel, Duddy, Wiley Dleamteeh.
6. ‘ “Client[Server Programming with lava and CORBA. mond edition. Z ROrfali 8z’Dan Harkey, John Wiley sons. ‘ i ‘ K
7. ‘ Grid Compnting – Making the global infrastructure a reality, -Fran V ‘Herman, Ge0ffi’eyC Fox,AnthonyJGHey,Wiley mu, 2010 t. . t

Text books:

l. Distributed Computing, Principles and Applications, M.L.Liu. Pearson Education.
2. Grid Computing. Joshy Joseph & Craig Fellcnstein, Pearson education. 2004

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are the significant consequences of distributed systems?

A1: Under distributed systems, one get to learn and study about mobile phone network, corporate networks, campus network, factory network, home network, in car network both separately and in combination.

Significant consequences of distributed systems are

  • No global clock
  • Independence failures
  • Concurrency

Q2: What are the examples of distributed systems?

A2: Examples of distributed systems are

  • Internet
  • Intranet
  • Mobile and ubiquitous computing

Q3: What are the main challenges in distributed systems?

A3: Challenges in distributed systems are

  • Heterogeneity
  • Middleware
  • Heterogeneity and mobile code
  • Openess
  • Security
  • Scalability
  • Failure handling
  • Detecting failures
  • Masking failures
  • Redundancy
  • Concurrency
  • Transparency (which includes access, location, concurrency, replication, failure, mobility, performance and scaling transparency)

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