Industrial Engineering and Operation Research Notes VSSUT | IEOR Notes VSSUT


Industrial Engineering and Operation Research Notes VSSUT – IEOR Notes VSSUT of Total Complete Notes

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Industrial Engineering and Operation Research Notes VSSUT – IEOR Notes VSSUT

Module – 1


Definition & objective of PPC, Characteristic of aggregates planning,

Implementing an Aggregate plan, Decision option in Aggregate Planning,

Modification of demand, Modification of supply, Materials Requirement Planning (MRP),

 MRP calculation, Objectives Loading and Scheduling, Factors Affecting Scheduling,

Machine loading using johnson’s Rule, INVENTORY CONTROL, Relevant costs,

Manufacturing model without shortage, Stochastic problem with uniform demand,

Periodic system (or Discrete unit),  Steps for ABC Analysis

Safety stock, Recorder point and Order Quantity Calculation

Link: Module – 1

Module – 2


What is a project,  Basic steps in project management,

 Terminologies used in network diagram, Project management through PERT/ CPM,

 Rules for Network Construction, Crashing of Project Network,

Typical Example on Crashing, Project scheduling with limited resources,

Resource Leveling Technique, Resource Allocation Technique,

MODERN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, Benefits of 9000 series,

Basic types of Poke a Yoke, Advantages of Poke a Yoke,

Productivity improvement, New product development, Labour management relation,

Steps for Implementation of Kaizen concept

Link: Module – 2

Module – 3


Mathematical formulation of problem, Graphical solution method,

General Linear Programming problem, Mathematical formulation,


Basic feasible solutions,  Associated cost vector, Fundamental Properties of solution,

  Concept of duality in simplex methd

Link: Module – 3

Module – 4


The initial basic feasible solution, North west corner Rule, Row minima method,

Column minima method, Matrix minima method, Vogels approximation method,

 Degeneracy in transportation problem, How to remove/ eliminate degeneracy,

 ASSIGNMENT & ROUTING PROBLEM, The assignment problem,

Assignment Algorithm, Travelling salesman problem,

  QUEUEING THEORY,  Simple Queuing model,

Link: Module – 4

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