Mathematics –II material 2 Notes pdf – M –II (material 2) notes | Free Lecture Notes download


Mathematics –II material 2 Notes pdf – M –II (material 2) notes pdf file

Mathematics –II material 2 Notes pdf – M –II (material 2) pdf notes – M –II (material 2) notes pdf file to download are listed below please check it –

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Note :- These notes are according to the R09 Syllabus book of JNTU.In R13 and R15,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in R13 and R15 syllabus. If you have any doubts please refer to the JNTU Syllabus Book.


Objectives,Objectives,Vector operator,Gradient,Geometric meaning of gradient, Divergence,Solenoidal function,Curl, Irrational field,Properties of gradient, divergence and curlLet Us Sum UpUnit End Exercise,Learn vector differentiation,Operators, del, grad and curl,Properties of operators,VECTOR OPERATOR,Geometric meaning of gradient,Divergence,PERIODIC FUNCTIONS,DIRICHLET’S CONDITIONSSOME BASIC TRIGONOMETRIC OBSERVATIONS,EULER’S FORMULAS,DEFINITION OF FOURIER SERIES,EVEN FUNCTION,ODD FUNCTION,FOURIER SERIES OF EVEN AND ODD FUNCTIONS,FOURIER TRANSFORMS,COMPLEX FOURIER TRANSFORMS,FOURIER SINE TRANSFORMS,FOURIER COSINE TRANSFORMS,Gauss Divergence theorem,The surface integral of the normal component of a vector
function F over a closed surface S enclosing volume V is equal to the volume
integral of the divergence of F taken throughout the volume V,Gauss Divergence theorem,The surface integral of the normal component of a vector
function F over a closed surface S enclosing volume V is equal to the volume
integral of the divergence of F taken throughout the volume V.

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