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Here you can download the free lecture Notes ofTransportation Engineering Pdf Notes – TE Pdf Notes materials with multiple file links to download. Transportation Engineering Notes Pdf – TE Notes Pdf Notesbook starts with the importance of the topic of Geometric Design, Basic Parameters of Traffic, Factors Affecting Selection of a site for Airport, Conflicts at intersections, Factors Affecting Selection of a site for Airport.

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Transportation Engineering Pdf Notes – TE Pdf Notes

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Transportation Engineering Notes Pdf- TE Notes Pdf

Note:- These notes are according to the R09 Syllabus book of JNTU.In R13 and R15,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in R13 and R15 syllabus. If you have any doubts please refer to the JNTU Syllabus Book.


HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENTAND PLANNING-Highway development in India – Necessity for Highway Planning- Different Road Development Plans.


HIGHWAY PLANNING: Classification 0f Roads- Road NetworkPattems- Highway Alignment- Factors affecting Alignment- Engineering Surveys – Drawings and Reports, Road Projects initiation need-based planning.


HIGHWAY GEOMETRIC DESIGN: Importance of Geometric Design- Design controls and Criteria- Highway Cross Section Elements- Sight Distance Elements- Stopping Sight Distance, Overtaking Sight Distance and intermediate Sight Distance- Design of Horizontal A]ignment- Design of Superelevation and Extra widening- Design of Transition Curves-Design of Vertical alignment-Gradients Vertical curves. Typical cross sections for different types of roads.


TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Basic Parameters of Traffic-Volume.Speed and Density- Traffic Volume Studies- Data Collection and Presentation-speed studies- Data Collection and Presentation- Parking Studies and Parking characteristics- Road Accidents-Causes and Preventive measures- Accident Data Recording – Condition Diagram and Collision Diagrams. Traffic, infrastructural and safety audits.


TRAFFIC REGULATl0N AND MANAGEMEN: Road Traffic Signs-Types and Specifications – Road markings-Need for Road Markings-Types of Road Markings Design of Traffic Signals -Webster Method -IRC Method, intelligent transportation systems typical architectures.

Transportation Engineering Pdf Notes – TE Pdf Notes


INTERSECTION DESIGN: Types of Intersections — Conflicts at intersections- Types of At-Grade Intersections- Channelization: Objectives —Traffic Islands and Design criteria-Types of Grade-Separated Intersections- Rotary Intersection – Concept of Rotary and Design Criteria- Impacts of Geometries on an intersection with reference safety, Operational capacity.


INTRODUCTION TO RAILWAY ENGINEERING: Permanent way components – Cross Section of Permanent Way – Functions of various Components like Rails, Sleepers, and Ballast -Rail Fastenings – Creep of Rails- Theories related to creep -Ageing of Sleepers- Sleeper density.
GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF RAILWAY TRACK: Gradients- Grade Compensation- Cant and Negative Super elevation- Cant Deficiency – Degree of Curve – Crossings and Turnouts.


AIRPORT ENGINEERING: Factors Affecting Selection of a site for Airport – Aircraft Characteristics- Geometric Design of Runway- Computation of Runway length — Correction for runway length – Orientation of Runway – Wind Rose Diagram – Runway Lighting system.

Reference – Transportation Engineering – TE notes pdf – TE pdf notes – TE Pdf – TE Notes

1. Highway Engineering – S.P.Bindra, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. – 4th Edition(l98l)
2 Traffic Engineering &. Transportation Planning – Dr.L.R.Kadyali, Khanna publications – 6th Edition. I997.
3. Railway Engineering -August – Prabha & Co., 15th Edition – 1994.
4. Air Transportation Planning & design – Virendra Kumar & Satish Chandra-Gal Gotia Publishers 1999
5. Principles of Traffic Engineering – Garber & Hoel, Cengage Learning.

Textbooks -Transportation Engineering Notes Pdf – TE Notes Pdf

1. Highway Engineering, S.K.Khanna & C.E.GIusto, Nanchang & Bros., 7th edition (2000).
2 Railway Engineering, A textbook of Transportation Engineering – _S.P.chadula- S.Chand & Co. Ltd. 2001
3. Highway Engineering Design .- L.R.Kadiyali and Lal Khanna Publications
4. Airport Planning and Design- S.K.Khanna and Arora, Nemchand Bros.

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