🎓 WRE II Notes Pdf 🕮 Water Resources Engineering II JNTU Free Lecture Notes


WRE II Notes Pdf – Water Resources Engineering II JNTU Download Free Lecture Notes

Water Resources Engineering II PDF Notes - WRE II PDF Notes
Water Resources Engineering II PDF Notes – WRE II PDF Notes

Overview: Water Resources Engineering II Notes Pdf

Water Resources Engineering II (WRE II) is an essential subject in the field of civil engineering, particularly for students pursuing a B.Tech degree. This course covers a range of topics critical for understanding the planning, design, and management of water resources systems. From reservoirs and dams to spillways and canal regulation works, the subject provides a comprehensive understanding of various hydraulic structures and their applications.

Water Resources Engineering II notes pdf – WRE II pdf notesWRE II notes pdf file to download is listed below. Please check it.

Link: Complete Notes

Note: These notes are according to the R09 Syllabus book of JNTU. In R13 and R15, 8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in R13 and R15 syllabus. If you have any doubts, please refer to the JNTU Syllabus Book.

Water Resources Engineering II
Water Resources Engineering II

The Following Topics Are Covered in Water Resources Engineering II Handwritten Notes:

  • Storage Works and Reservoirs
  • Gravity Dams
  • Earth Dams
  • Spillways
  • Diversion Headworks
  • Weirs on Permeable Foundations
  • Canal Falls
  • Cross Drainage Works

UNIT-I: Storage Works-Reservoirs

Types of Reservoirs

Reservoirs are essential for water resources management, serving purposes such as irrigation, drinking water supply, and hydroelectric power generation. They can be classified into:

  • Natural Reservoirs: Formed by natural processes like lakes and ponds.
  • Artificial Reservoirs: Man-made structures created by damming rivers.

Selection of Site for Reservoir

Selecting an appropriate site for a reservoir involves considering:

  • Topography: Suitable landforms for dam construction.
  • Geology: Stability of rock and soil.
  • Hydrology: Availability and flow patterns of water.
  • Environmental Impact: Minimizing ecological disruption.

Zones of Storage of a Reservoir

Reservoirs typically have different storage zones:

  • Dead Storage: Bottom layer where water cannot be withdrawn by gravity.
  • Active Storage: Middle layer used for operational purposes.
  • Flood Control Storage: Top layer reserved for flood control.

Reservoir Yield and Capacity Estimation

Estimating the capacity and yield of a reservoir is crucial for effective management. The mass curve method is often used for this purpose.

Reservoir Sedimentation and Life of Reservoir

Sedimentation can reduce the capacity of a reservoir over time. Regular dredging and sediment management are necessary to extend the reservoir’s life.

Types of Dams and Site Selection

Dams can be classified based on their structure and materials, including:

  • Gravity Dams
  • Arch Dams
  • Buttress Dams

The selection of a dam site depends on topography, geology, hydrology, and environmental impact.

UNIT-II: Gravity Dams

Forces Acting on a Gravity Dam

Gravity dams must withstand various forces, such as:

  • Water Pressure
  • Self-weight
  • Earthquake Forces
  • Silt Pressure

Causes of Failure

Gravity dams can fail due to:

  • Structural weaknesses
  • Foundation issues
  • Seepage problems

Elementary and Practical Profiles

The design profile of a gravity dam balances structural stability and economic feasibility.

Limiting Height and Factors of Safety

The height of a gravity dam is limited by structural integrity and material strength. Safety factors ensure the dam’s stability.

Stability Analysis

Stability analysis involves checking the dam’s resistance to sliding, overturning, and foundation pressure.

Foundation, Drainage, and Inspection Galleries

Proper foundation treatment, drainage systems, and inspection galleries enhance the dam’s longevity and safety.

UNIT-III: Earth Dams

Types of Earth Dams

Earth dams are categorized based on their structure:

  • Homogeneous Dams
  • Zoned Dams
  • Diaphragm Dams

Causes of Failure

Common failure causes include seepage, piping, and structural instability.

Safe Design Criteria

Design criteria focus on stability, seepage control, and proper construction practices.

Seepage Control Methods

Methods such as cutoff trenches, clay cores, and filters control seepage in earth dams.

UNIT-IV: Spillways

Types of Spillways

Spillways manage water flow over dams and include:

  • Ogee Spillways
  • Chute Spillways
  • Side Channel Spillways

Design Principles of Ogee Spillways

Ogee spillways are designed based on hydraulic principles to ensure smooth water flow.

Spillway Gates

Gates control water flow and include radial, flap, and roller gates.

Energy Dissipaters and Stilling Basins

These structures reduce the energy of flowing water to prevent erosion downstream.

Jump Height Curve and Tail Water Rating Curve

These curves assist in designing energy dissipaters by predicting water behavior.

UNIT-V: Diversion Head Works

Types of Diversion Head Works

Diversion structures, such as weirs and barrages, manage river flow for irrigation and other purposes.

Layout and Components

Key components include silt ejectors, silt excluders, and protection works.

Causes of Failure

Failures often occur due to foundation issues, hydraulic failures, and structural weaknesses.

UNIT-VI: Weirs on Permeable Foundations

Creep Theories

Creep theories by Bligh, Lane, and Khosla help in understanding seepage through weirs.

Design Principles

Design involves calculating uplift pressure, using correction factors, and ensuring stability.

UNIT-VII: Canal Falls and Regulation Works

Types of Falls

Falls help manage water levels in canals. Common types include notch and Sarada Falls.

Design Principles

Design principles focus on hydraulic efficiency and structural stability.

Canal Regulation Works

Regulation works include distributors and head regulators that control water distribution.

Canal Cross Regulators

Cross regulators maintain water levels in main canals, aiding in effective water management.

UNIT-VIII: Cross Drainage Works

Types and Selection Site

Cross drainage works, such as aqueducts and siphon aqueducts, manage the intersection of canals and natural streams.

Design Principles

The design focuses on hydraulic efficiency and structural integrity.

Design of Type II Aqueduct (Under Tunnel)

Type II aqueducts are designed to pass canals under obstructions with minimal impact on flow.

Links to Download Water Resources Engineering II Notes Pdf

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For students , the WRE II notes are tailored according to the R09 syllabus, which has been restructured into five units in the R13 and R15 syllabuses. The detailed notes can be Downloaded from Smartzworld and other academic resources.

Water Resources Engineering II Notes and Study Material PDF Free Download

The Water Resources Engineering II notes are available for free download, providing students with comprehensive study material. These notes include detailed explanations, diagrams, and examples to help students grasp complex concepts effectively.

Water Resources Engineering II Notes Pdf from JNTU

These notes are based on the JNTU syllabus, providing a detailed breakdown into eight units for R09 and five units for R13 and R15. This structure aids in comprehensive understanding and streamlined study.

Always Choose Smartzworld to Download Water Resources Engineering II Notes PDF

Smartzworld provides reliable and updated notes for various subjects, including Water Resources Engineering II. Students benefit from easy access to well-organized study material, ensuring they have the necessary resources for exam preparation.

Benefits of FREE WRE II Handwritten Notes PDF

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Detailed coverage of all essential topics.
  2. Easy to Understand: Simplified explanations of complex concepts.
  3. Free Access: Available for free download.
  4. Exam-Oriented: Focused on key exam areas.
  5. Portable: PDF format for easy access on multiple devices.


Water Resources Engineering II Notes is a crucial subject for civil engineering students, providing in-depth knowledge of hydraulic structures and water resource management. By utilizing WRE II notes, students can enhance their understanding, prepare effectively for exams, and excel academically.


Q1.Where can I download the Water Resources Engineering II notes PDF? You can download the WRE II notes PDF from Smartzworld and other academic resources.

Q2.What topics are covered in the Water Resources Engineering II notes? The notes cover storage works, gravity dams, earth dams, spillways, diversion headworks, weirs on permeable foundations, canal falls, and cross-drainage works.

Q3.Are the WRE II notes based on the JNTU syllabus?

Yes, the notes are tailored according to the JNTU syllabus, including R09, R13, and R15 versions.

Q4.What are the benefits of using handwritten notes for WRE II? Handwritten notes are comprehensive, easy to understand, exam-oriented, free, and portable.

Q5.Can I find detailed design principles for hydraulic structures in these notes?

Yes, the notes include detailed design principles for various hydraulic structures such as dams, spillways, and cross-drainage works.

Q6. Where can I download the Water Resources Engineering II Notes PDF?

You can download the notes from the provided links for each unit or the complete set from Smartzworld.

Q7. How to download the Water Resources Engineering II Notes PDF?

To download the Water Resources Engineering II Notes PDF, visit the Smartzworld website or use the provided links for each unit. Click on the download button to get the PDF file.

Q8. How many modules are covered in the Water Resources Engineering II Notes PDF?

The WRE II Notes PDF covers a total of 8 modules (units).

Q9. Topics Covered in the Water Resources Engineering II Notes PDF?

  • UNIT-I: Storage Works
    • Reservoirs, types, selection site, zones of storage, yield, capacity estimation, sedimentation, life, types of dams, and factors for dam selection.
  • UNIT-II: Gravity Dams
    • Forces, failure causes, profiles, limiting height, factors of safety, stability analysis, foundation, drainage, and inspection galleries.
  • UNIT-III: Earth Dams
    • Types, failure causes, safe design criteria, seepage control.
  • UNIT-IV: Spillways
    • Types, design principles, gates, energy dissipaters, stilling basins, jump height curve, tail water rating curve, USBR and Indian types.
  • UNIT-V: Diversion Head Works
    • Types (weirs and barrages), layout, causes and failure, silt ejectors, and silt excluders.
  • UNIT-VI: Weirs on Permeable Foundations
    • Creep theories, uplift pressure determination, correction factors, design principles, exit gradient, sheet piles, launching apron.
  • UNIT-VII: Canal Falls
    • Types, location, design principles, regulation works, distributory and head regulators, cross regulators, canal outlets, proportionality, sensitivity, and flexibility.
  • UNIT-VIII: Cross Drainage Works
    • Types, site selection, design principles for aqueducts, siphon aqueducts, super passages, and Type II aqueduct design.

Q10. Where can I get the complete Water Resources Engineering II Handwritten Notes PDF FREE Download?

You can download the complete WRE II handwritten notes PDF for free from the Smartzworld website or other educational resources that offer free downloads of such notes.

Q11. How to download Water Resources Engineering II Handwritten Notes PDF?

To download the WRE II handwritten notes PDF, visit the Smartzworld website or other educational platforms offering the notes. Look for the specific section for WRE II handwritten notes and click on the download link.

Q12. How to Download FREE Water Resources Engineering II Notes PDF?

To download the FREE WRE II Notes PDF, visit the Smartzworld website or any other trusted educational resource offering free downloads. Search for WRE II notes and follow the instructions to download the PDF for free.


  1. Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering by G.L. Asawa, New Age International Publishers
  2. Theory and Design of Hydraulic Structures by Varshney, Gupta & Gupta
  3. Irrigation Engineering by K.R. Arora
  4. Irrigation Engineering by R.K. Sharma and T.K. Sharma, S. Chand Publishers
  5. Introduction to Hydrology by Warren Viessman, Jr., Gary L. Lewis, PHI
  6. Engineering Hydrology by C.S. Pojha, R. Berndtsson, and P. Bhunya, Oxford University Press


  1. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures by S.K. Garg, Khanna Publishers
  2. Irrigation and Water Power Engineering by Punmia & Lal, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi





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