Creating EC2 instances and launching it
- Click on aws icon and select “EC2” service.
- Click on “launch instances”.
- Select “AWS Marketplace” and click on “centOS 7”.
- Select the General purpose (Free tier eligible) and click on “Next configure instance details”.
- In the Network select the previous VPC which you have created and Enable termination protection ( to Protect against accidental termination ).
- Click on “Next : Add storage”.
- In Size type 30 and in volume type select General purpose.
- Click on “Next: tag instance” then Click on “Next: Configure Security Group”.
- In Assign a security group: Select an existing security group which you have created.
- Click on “Review and Launch” then Click on “Continue” and then Click on “Launch”.
- A popup box will be opened Select “Create a new key pair” and name the key and Click on “download key pair” then Click on “Launch Instances”.
- Click on instances created “Ex :- i-______ ” and Your instance will be running in 2 to 5 mins.
Name your instance which you have created.