Getting Started with MIT App inventor 2 is very easy
In-order use MIT App inventor you should have a gmail account if not create a new gmail account
Open MIT App inventor 2 and login into it with your gmail account.
Click on “allow” to use App Inventor
Now you can see the MIT App inventor software click on “Start new project“.

Name your Application project name.
Click on OK.
Now you can see the user interface and component tools like Palette, Viewer, Components, Properties etc as shown in the below.
In header menu their will be options like projects,connect,build and Help.
Projects – It is to save,start new project,import projects from your pc,delete project and many more options you will find here.
Connect – It is used to connect with the emulator,USB etc to test your app (Live testing purpose)
Build – It is used to save the app in the APK File format or provides the .apk QR scan code to install the app in your android device.
Help – If you need any help you can use it.
These is just a intro to getting started with MIT App inventor – 2.