10 Tips on How to Get Glowing Skin

How to Get Glowing skin

In a country, where fair skin is more important than a good heart, we should understand the difference between glowing skin and fair skin. We have no control over our skin tone or make it fairer to multiple tones. But we can surely get glowing skin. Natural glow equals healthy skin. To get glowing skin, we need to be healthy as well.

How to Get Glowing Skin
How to Get Glowing Skin

Nowadays, many activities contribute to suppressing our natural glow and damaging our skin. This is not permanent, though. To get glowing skin and regain our hidden glow. We are going to talk about a few steps to get a glowing skin. 

Tips to get glowing skin
Tips to get glowing skin

How to Get Glowing Skin

1. Identify your skin type 

The first step, which almost everyone ignores, is the need to identify your skin type. Skin types vary from dry to oily to sensitive. Some may even have mixed skin which gets oily at sometimes and remains dry at other. Some possess an oily t-point which means having an oily forehead and nose.

Skin types
Skin types

2. Cleansing 

To remove impurities from our skin, cleansing is of utmost importance. Washing the skin regularly helps to remove the oil, pollution, dirt (which clog your pores) and keeps your skin fresh as ever. The skin should be washed at least twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed to get glowing skin for a longer period of time.

Cleanse you skin
Cleanse you skin

3. Remove your make-up

Be sure to use a makeup remover before sleeping as it will bring freshness to your skin and removing make-up allows your pores to breathe.

Remove makeup before sleeping
Remove makeup before sleeping

4. Use a gentle and good quality soap

Avoid over washing your face. Washing it twice or thrice will do. Do not forget to wash the tough areas of your face such as behind the ears, edge of the nose, under your eyes, etc. Also, never rub your face roughly with your towel. Gently pat it to dry. Buy products suitable for your skin type.

Wash you face with gentle soap
Wash you face with gentle soap


5. Exfoliating 

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin from our skin surface. Scrubs, either homemade or store-bought, helps the same. Exfoliating once a week is advisable. The pressure of your hands should neither be too rough nor too light. Remember to scrub in circular motions.  

You can make a homemade scrub by making a paste of sugar and honey. A good scrub can be brought and used. For a dry, flaky skin don’t scrub for more than once a week. Acne-prone skin can be exfoliated 2-3 times weekly to get glowing skin.

Exfoliate your skin regularly
Exfoliate your skin regularly

6. Face masks 

To protect your skin, you need to take some additional steps to ensure that glow remains intact. Store-bought products serve the purpose well but home remedies work wonders. Anything edible can never cause any harm to the skin. Prepare a mask for yourself and use it on your skin to get glowing skin within minutes. According to dermatologists, different ingredients should be used for different skin types:

Apply face mask to get glowing skin
Apply face mask to get glowing skin
  • For dry skin – honey and avocado face mask.  
  • For oily skin – lemon and yogurt face mask.  
  • For combination skin – yogurt-mint-chamomile mask.  
  • For redness-prone skin – matcha and Aloe Vera mask.  
  • For acne-prone skin – turmeric and honey face mask.  
  • For sensitive skin – banana-honey-yogurt mask.  
  • For dull skin – oatmeal-honey-yogurt/banana mask. 

7. Moisturize 

After cleansing, moisturizing is necessary to get glowing skin. It helps in blocking the pores and prevents the dust particles from entering our skin. Also, moisturize your skin at night as it speeds up the healing process of the skin. It also helps in reducing and preventing upcoming wrinkles. Always remember to moisturize your neck and tricky areas too.


Moisturize your skin
Moisturize your skin

8. Hydrate your skin 

Apart from the external factors, some internal processes need to be taken care of. Hydrating is very necessary to get glowing skin. Stay hydrated as lack of water makes your skin dry and dull. On the other hand, proper intake of water can give you fresh skin and remove the impurities and wastes from the body. Aim to drink 10-12 glasses of water daily. Avoid aerated drinks but increase the intake of normal water or other beneficial fluids like juices or herbal tea.


Keep your skin hydrated
Keep your skin hydrated

9. Eat healthy 

Eating healthy food is advisable to remain fit and have a flat tummy. But it also gives you a flawless skin. Eating fiber and vitamin-rich diet is very beneficial for your skin. Even if you feel that your diet does not provide many vitamins, you can always try taking multivitamins. Cut down on sugar and excess salt as well. Sugar is the biggest source of acne. As soon as you avoid sugar, your skin will feel younger and fresher than before. Also, avoid junk or oily foods as much as possible.


Eat healthy diet with nutrient rich foods
Eat healthy diet with nutrient rich foods

10. Workout 

Some people might not be aware but working out is important to get glowing skin. Daily cardio can help in the better functioning of your heart. It helps to stimulate the flow of blood throughout your body. This gives immediate as well as long term effects.


Exercise regularly
Exercise regularly

Other Related article: 

BONUS: Get Glowing Skin

Additional tips  

  1. Do not pop your pimples. 
  2. Avoid direct sunlight and apply sun protectors like SPF 50 to protect your skin. 
  3. Use pimple reduction creams or ointments after consulting a doctor.  
  4. Consult a dermatologist as and when required. 

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