Computer Programming Pdf Notes 1st Year – CP Notes | Free Lecture Notes download


Here you can download the free Computer Programming Pdf Notes 1st Year – CP Pdf Notes of Latest materials with multiple file links to download. Computer Programming Pdf Notes 1st Year – CP Pdf Notes book covers mostly all the topics of Computer Programming, Generation & Classification of Computers, Basic Organization of a Computer, Number System, Binary, Decimal, Conversion, Problems, etc.

Computer Programming Pdf Notes 1st Year – CP Pdf Notes Free Download

First Year Computer Programming Notes pdf - CP notes pdf

CP Complete Notes

Link: Complete Notes


CP Unit 1

Link: Unit 1 Notes


CP Unit 2

Link: Unit 2 Notes


CP Unit 3

Link: Unit 3 Notes


CP Unit 4

Link: Unit 4 Notes


CP Unit 5

Link: Unit 5 Notes

Note :- These notes are according to the R09 Syllabus book of JNTU.In R13 and R15,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in R13 and R15 syllabus. If you have any doubts please refer to the JNTU Syllabus Book.


Computer Programming Pdf Notes 1st Year – CP Pdf Notes

computer programming notes pdf

CP Unit-1: Computer Programming Pdf Notes

COMPUTER PROGRAMMING,Generation and Classification of Computers- Basic Organization of a Ccmputer -Number System -Binary – Decimal – Conversion – Problems. Need for logical analysis and thinking – Algorithm – Pseudo code – Flow Chart.

Unit-2: Computer Programming Pdf Notes

C PROGRAMMING BASICS,Problem formulation – Problem Solving – Introduction to ‘ C’ programming –fundamentals – structureof a ‘C’ program – compilation and linking processes – Constants, Variables – Data Types –Expressions using operators in ‘C’ – Managing Input and Output operations – Decision Making and Branching – Looping statements – solving simple scientific and statistical problems.

Unit-3: Computer Programming Pdf Notes

Lesson Plan for Arrays Initialization and Declaration,Content List,Arrays initialization and declaration,Skill addressed,Understanding,Analysis,Objectives of this Lesson Plan,To enable students to understand the arrays concept,Outcome,Understand the basics of arrays and its purpose,Link sheet,Define structure of C programs,What do you meant by expression in C,Subject Introduction,Define arrays,Declaration of arrays,Classification of arrays.

Unit-4: Computer Programming Pdf Notes

FUNCTIONS AND POINTERS,Function – definition of function – Declaration of function – Pass by value – Pass by
reference –Recursion – Pointers – Definition – Initialization – Pointers arithmetic – Pointers and
arrays- Example Problems,User-Defined Functions,Advantage of User defined function,Body of user defined function,User defined function has three parts,Function Parameters,Actual parameters,Formal parameters,Categories of User defined function/Function Prototypes.

Unit-5: Computer Programming Pdf Notes

STRUCTURES AND UNIONS,Introduction – need for structure data type – structure definition – Structure declaration –
Structure within a structure – Union – Programs using structures and Unions – Storage classes, Preprocessor
directives,Array Structure,STRUCTURES,Initialization of Structure members,Accessing the Structure Members,PROGRAM’S USING STRUCTURE,Single name that contains a collection of data items of same data type, Single name thatcontains a collection of data items of different data types.

Smartzworld notes

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is Computer Programming?

A1: Computer programming is a form of giving instructions to the computers about what they should do next. The instructions given are known as code, and computer programmers write code to perform a task or solve problems.

The goal is to create something: that could mean anything from a piece of software, or a web page, or even just a pretty picture. This is why computer programming is often described as a mix between science and art; it’s technical and analytical, yet creative at the same time.

Q2: Why do we need computer Programming?
A2: A program is a process of step-by-step instructions that directs the computer to do the tasks you want it to do and produce the results you want.

There are at least three reasons for learning programming:

  • You can understand computer through Programming. The computer is considered as only a tool. If a person learns how to write simple programs, he/she will gain more knowledge about how a computer works.
  • Writing a simple programs increases your confidence level. Most of the people find great personal satisfaction in creating a set of instructions that solve a problem.
  • Learning programming helps you find out quickly whether you like programming and whether you have the analytical turn of mind programmers need. Understanding the process of computer programming certainly will increase your appreciation of what programmers and computers can do.

Q3: What Programmers Do

A3: A programmer’s job is to convert problem solutions into instructions for the computer. That means, the programmer prepares the instructions of a computer program and runs those instructions on the computer. Further, tests the program to see if it is working properly, and makes corrections to the program. The programmer writes a report on the program. These activities are all done for the purpose of helping a user fill a need, such as billing customers, paying employees, or admitting students to college.

Q4: What is the process of Programming?

A4: Developing a program involves steps very much similar to any problem-solving process. There are 5 main ingredients in the programming process:

a. Defining the problem

b. Planning the solution

c. Coding the program

d. Testing the program

e. Documenting the program

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