Production and Operation Management Notes VSSUT | POM Notes VSSUT


Production and Operation Management Notes VSSUT – POM Notes VSSUT of Total Complete Notes

Please find the download links of Production and Operation Management Notes VSSUT | POM Notes VSSUT are listed below:

Link: Complete Notes

Module – 1

Productivity : Importance, productivity ratio,productivity measurement,

productivity index, awareness — improvement — maintenance (A.I.M),proceSs.

Link: Module – 1

Module – 2

Production System Models of production system, Product Vs. Services,

cess-focused & product focused systems, product strategies,

product life cycle, production function.

Link: Module – 2

Module – 3

Forecasting : Methods — moving average, exponential smoothing,

Regression analysis, coefficient of co-relation, Delphi, Market survey.

Link: Module – 3

Module – 4

Facilities Planning : Site location, facilities layout and various types,

planning using CRAFT work place design,

working conditions — noise illumination etc.

Link: Module – 4

Module – 5

Motion study — principles of motion — economy, Time study-standard time,

Objectives of motion study,Principles of motion economy ,

Rules concerning human body,Rules concerning workplace layout and material handling ,

Rules concerning Tools and Equipment Design,Rules concerning time conservation,

Procedure in Motion Analysis,Selection of job for Time Study, Selection of Worker for Time Study,

Time Study Equipment,Time Study Observation Sheet,Number of cycles to be timed.

Link: Module – 5

Module – 6

Production Planning & Control : Aggregate planning. Sequencing,Explanation on each term ,

Aggregate planning (AP),Explanation of AP ,

Line balancing,Flow control, Dispatching, expediting, Gantt chart,

line of balance, learing curve.

Link: Module – 6

Module – 7

Project Management — Network scheduling, PERT. Critical path,

Basic steps in project management,Difference between PERT and CPM,

Steps in using network techniques,Resource levelling,Resource smoothing,

Resource levelling,Steps in using network techniques

Most likely time estimate , Resource leveling.

Link: Module – 7

Module – 8

Modern Trends in Manufacturing :Basic concepts of CAD,CAM,FMS, CIM,

ISO 9000, Quality circle, Kaizen, Kanbans,

Poke Yoke’ supply chain management.

Link: Module – 8

Text Books
Production Systems : Planning, Analysis & Control : By — Riggs, J.L.(4th
Edn.) John Wiley & Sons
Modern Production/Operation management : By — Buffa, E.S. & Sarin,
=,.K.(8`” Edn.) John Wiley & Sons.
Production & Operations Management : By Panneer saivem, R.(2′ 1
Edn.) PHI.
Production & Operations Management : By Chary, S.N.(TMH).

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