Introducing at least one cool new feature at regular intervals is a common tactic used by social media platforms to keep users happy and make some buzz in the social media space. Snapchat’s latest update for Android and iOS brings in subtle but useful features that were long overdue.
Shoot long videos
One of the limitations of Snapchat was that it didn’t allow users to record videos of more than 10 seconds. This limit was increased to up to 60 seconds on iOS. Now Snapchat is rolling this feature to Android users.
Share links with one tap
iOS users can now share links from other apps with their friends on Snapchat using the iOS share tray. This means users won’t have to copy and paste URLs from a browser app to Snapchat. Now when they open the share tray, they will see Snapchat as an option next to other social media apps such as Facebook and WhatsApp. This will speed up things as users can share a news article or a shopping item on an e-commerce store with a single tap. The feature is already available to Android users.
Temporary Ghost mode
Snapchat has added some extra features in the Ghost mode which allow users to temporarily disable location services. Ghost mode was added for users who did not want Snap Map to broadcast their location to their friends all the time.
New shortcut
Snapchat has added a new shortcut to its app. Users can watch their friend’s Stories or directly send them a Snap by tapping and pressing on that friend’s user name. The shortcut is available only to iOS users as of now.