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How To Fix Laptop Keyboard Not Working in Windows 10:
Keyboard as a Hardware Component has several issues. Both Software and Hardware related troubles can cause it not to work properly. Internally, it may be due to the Disabled Access to the Keys and Software updates can be the reason for uneven input keys. And When comes to external Factors, keys may have stuck, or Switches may be failed to communicate with the PC.
Not just a keyboard, every input device to the computer can get this types of issues. Games devices like, Joystick, Controller, etc may also get the Functional Problems along with Mouse. So no need to worry about it too much. To clear all your doubts related to ‘Windows 10 keyboard, not working issues’, below we have created a Checklist, and mostly you can resolve the problem yourself.
How to fix Laptop Keyboard not Working Issue

Disable Filter Keys:
When you press a Key as an input and if it takes more than expected time to show it on Screen, then you must check the Filter Keys Options in the Computer Settings. On your Windows Machine Follow this steps:
- Press Windows Button and search for Settings.
- Open the Settings window that displays a list of menu options.
- From the Left-Side Menu, Click on ‘Keyboard.’
- Then you will get to see Filter Keys option.
- Just Turn off the Toggle Switch and Save the Changes.
Reset Keyboard Settings:
Sometime, a newly installed Software application may alter the settings of the input device. It is a rare case, but you need to make sure if they are any changes. And if it looks suspicious to Reset the Keyboard Settings to Default Mode to allow the keyboard to function properly.
Check for Dirt:
Most of the PC user have their snacks or other food while working on it. If you did the same thing, then you need to Clean the Crumbs that might have stuck in between Keystrokes.
Update Keyboard Drivers:
Every Hardware device needs a Software called Drivers to make use of it. If the Keyboard is not Working Properly, then you need to check the Available updates by connecting the PC to the internet access. After that if Found any new updates, install them immediately only then the laptop keyboard will start working.
Defective Keyboards:
One of the Thousands of device may fail to function it may be due to the Manufacturers issue, so check out your Warranty card to replace it with a new one from the nearby Service Point. Mostly at the service point, you get a New device to make use of without any trouble.
Go Viral:
Check if you plugged in: A USB Flash Drive or Mobile device. In general, a computer virus in External devices enters the PC with direct connectivity. And if a file is transferred from the External device to Computer, then the PC has maximum chances of getting infected. As it distracts the computer functionality, Keyboard will also get affected.
To resolve the issue, Install an effective Anti-Virus software on your computer and scan the Complete data to trace out the virus file. After all delete the suspicious files from PC and stay safe.
All the Above noted Checklist can surely solve the Keyboard Functionality problem. If not You need to go to Laptop Service center and confirm the issue. They will fix the Keyboard stopped working the problem without any hassle.
Hope you got to know about some of the effective Tweaks of Keyboard. Make comment below to let us know what you think of this Checklist and also mention the best Tweak helped you in solving the hardware problem.
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