All You Need To Know About Lockey Ransomware Attack

After wanna cry & Petya cyber criminals now email based Lockey Ransomware spreading everywhere.The Indian Computer Emergency  Response Team has issued an alert on its official website regarding the Lockey ransomware.Currently, there are no reports regarding how this ransomware spread & how much damage the Lockey ransomware caused in India.

Lockey Ransomware,Ransomware attack india

About Lockey Ransomware

Ransomware is a kind of attack which blocks the user to access his own data from his computer & besides asks money for that. The Lockey Ransomware has similar nature like wanna cry ransomware.According to  Computer Emergency  Response Team (CERT), Lockey ransomware is warning to Indian user to stay alert.Cybersecurity company APPRiver said, “it has seen over 23 million messages sent in the attack, which makes it one of the largest malware campaigns seen so far”.


According to Malwarebytes research, this ransomware is distributed with the new file extension called”.diablo6″.A new variant for this adds “.Lukitus”extension(For Encrypted Files).This ransomware campaign was spread mostly using Spam Emails containing malicious ZIP attachment.These zip file attachments contain Visual Basic Scripts (VBS) embedded in a secondary zip file. The VBS file contains the downloader which leads to the domain “greatest hits [dot] mygoldmusic[dot] com”.

The email for Lockey ransomware contains common subjects like “Photo”,”Images”,”Scans”,”Pictures” If the user opens such emails then this ransomware automatically gets downloaded to on the computer.As soon as it gets downloaded it changes the desktop background.Lockey ransomware asks for 0.5 Bitcoin(Rs.1.5 Lakhs).

How To Save From IT

  1. Back up your files
  2. Use an antivirus program
  3. Be suspicious of unknown emails and websites
  4. Perform regular backups of all critical data stored on your computer
  5. Never pay the ransom

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