Uber and Ola is easier now

Uber and Ola is easier now to book a cab from Google and mobile search

Uber and Ola is easier now
Uber and Ola is easier now to book a cab from Google and mobile search

Uber and Ola is easier now, Google now introduced a new option for the Ola and Uber users, Where they can book the cab easily by using google and mobile search. Google Maps has already an option for booking a cab of ola and uber but now it gives more sufficient way to users to book a cab by using Search bar.

Google will allow the users to type in search bar like for example if a user types taxi from hyderabad to secunderabad then google will suggests the cabs of Ola and Uber nearby and it will redirect to app. And also u can check the directions from the Google maps itself.

If user doen’t have the app it will suugest the link to download the app, But as per now google is not going to kill the app. Google programming manager Sanket Gupta said “Choosing the best transit option can be a task at times, our aim is to help users simplify their everyday travel. With this, users will be able to order, explore and make quick comparisons about the best estimated taxi fare directly from Google Search results on their mobile,”

Pricing will also be shown in the search bar, The main advantage of this is user wont have to open two app at a time and its a smart time saving said by Google. Google wants its search should be useful to everyone in the world and topmost smart search engine. For looking up cabs and its rates u can look up in search but for actual booking you need the cab

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