Download WhatsApp for PC without Bluestacks

How to use Whatsapp on laptop without bluestacks: Until recent time it was impossible to download WhatsApp for PC without Bluestack Android emulator. As Bluestacks is the perfect medium to support the use of Android Platform, most of the users have used to Bluestacks App for mobile apps. But some of the PC’s won’t be supporting the Bluestacks due to the errors caused while installing.

There was a web client and a Chrome plugin, but no desktop client. With its competitors already offering desktop clients, thus expanding their reach, WhatsApp was idle.

As we said, this was up until recent time, and then the things changed. In case you didn’t know, it is now possible to download and install WhatsApp for PC and use it in sync with your iPhone app.

In order to guide you through the process we decided to create this tutorial. By the end of the article, you will be able to download WhatsApp for PC yourself.

How to use Whatsapp on computer without bluestacks:

There aren’t too many terms to meet in order to be able to install WhatsApp on your PC. The whole client is pretty “light” in terms of size, so it won’t occupy too much space. You don’t need a powerful PC, mountains of RAM or anything like that. So let’s see what we do need in order to install WhatsApp on PC.

  • Windows 7 or 8 OS needed. Some users report problems with Windows 10 but you can give it a try and see if it works.
  • Stable internet connection; you won’t be able to chat if the client is not online. (make sure  that you have a good wireless router)
  • Existing WhatsApp account so that you can synchronize your desktop client and iPhone app.
  • WhatsApp app installed on your iPhone and online with account logged in. In case you don’t have WhasApp on your iPhone you can install it here.
  • Working iPhone

How to Setup WhatsApp Web Client With iPhone

In order to begin our story you must first know that all that you share with your friends on your mobile app also stays on your WhatsApp for PC.

  • In other words, both WhatsApp for iPhone and PC will be in full sync. So let’s get started with our set up process, and later we’ll see how to use WhatsApp client.First of all, you need to open up your web browser and go to official WhatsApp website. This is where you can find all you need to know about WhatsApp. All the news, all updates, support and some useful Q&A to help you with some issues.But most importantly, this is where you can download WhatsApp for PC installation file. In order to download the file, you need to go to WhatsApp download page and you need to make a choice.

    You need to pick one of 3 possible versions of WhatsApp for PC installation file. The choice depends on your PC configuration. There are 32bit and 64bit version installation files, so you need to pick the one for you.

    • WhatsApp 64-bit version
    • WhatsApp 32-bit version

    Once you click on your version the download process will begin automatically. Wait for the download process to end and go to your designated download folder in order to find WhatsApp installation file.

    When you find the installation file, double click it to start the installation process. The whole installation process is pretty quick and all you need to do is to confirm the installation folder.

    When the installation is over, just close the installation window and that’s it. Now we need to do just one more thing – activate the client.

All this things Wraps the ‘how to use whatsapp on pc without bluestacks’ section on this Article. Do comment your views from the Below section.

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