How to See(find) Google Search History in Chrome

How to See(find) Google Search History in ChromeHave you know that Google will keep the record of each & every query that you search ??? Every time you search something on Google while signed in to your Google account, they store your search queries against your account. And Google has it neatly arranged with the date, time and even the names of every website you visited from the search here are some ways using which you can view all your past searches on google.

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View All Past Searches On Google

Having this history option can help you in many ways. Sometimes, you find an interesting website online, and forget to bookmark it. If you ever feel like finding the same website again, it’s not going to be an easy task unless you have a really great memory. In such situations, the Google history can be a lifesaver.


  • Sign in to the account you used while you made the searches on Google visit
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on My activity.
  •  Click on Filter by date and product
  • Now you have to choose the date & time from where you want the search results from. There are various options like Today, yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days and Custom, which lets you choose any time period you want.
  • Select Search from the listed Google products
  • Click on Search button & it will show you all the searches you made during the selected time range.

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