Best Speedometer Application For Android Platform

By using these Speedometer applications you are able to calculate how fast you are travelling. This app uses your phone inbuilt  GPS system and they are accurate.So here are some Speedometer apps

Speedometer App

Speedometer Applications in Android Platform:

The user interface is clean and easy to use and the screen displays all the necessary information needed for a traveler. The app can track the total distance you have travelled, the time taken, average speed and it also represents the speed variations in a cool graph.

Ulysse Speedometer shows awesome information to the computer. The app shows current speed, average speed, number of GPS satellites connected and more. The app integrates itself with Google maps and shows the speed in an overlay.

DS Speedometer is yet another android speedometer app. The interface is more like the speedometer in your car. It has a nice design and you can try it out.

My Speed Meter is ultra simple, if you just need the speed then this app is for you. One of the most annoying things about this app is its advertisements, they often block most part of the app and trigger unintentional clicks.

So hope you get an idea about best speedometer application that you can download from Play store for free.

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