Google’s New Security “Play Protect” Secure Your Android Device

It is no doubt that most of the smartphones users are based on Android platform than windows & IOS.To maintain security for the app is also a huge task for that, google now rolling out “Google play protect”, It is a security tool which scans your device & secures your device from malware & viruses.

Play Protect,Google protect

What we covered?

All About Google Play Protect

Google Play Protect scans your device & make sure you are safe & secure.This service scans all the apps you installed on your phone & gives you warning once found something suspicious. It also has the ability(Play Protect) to flags off any app which is showing unusual behavior in your Android smartphone.Since Chrome browser is from Google, Google promises that if you surf the internet using Chrome browser then it will keep you safe. If you visit any site which google thinks acting out of line then the Play Protect gives you the warning.

Google Play Protect,Google security, play protect

Play Protect’s also had the feature called scanning feature which keeps your data & device safe, While the user has priority to customize settings via Google-Security-Verify Apps inside phones settings. There you can also find when Google last scans your device & etc..

Google also announcing a new feature along with the Google Play Protect which is ‘Find My Device’. By using this feature user can track, ring, lock & erase all data from his device.

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