How to backup iPhone to External Hard Drive

Backup iPhone to External Drive: iPhone has the most advanced features to support the users of all kinds. It has the Automatic backup System to recover all the data in case you have unintentionally deleted a file on your iPhone device. And here we are going to explain about the Backup System & how you could save iPhone backup to external hard drive. So let’s Begin

All most every smart phone has the Auto-backup feature to restore the lose of data. Therefore it is very important to enable the backup copy on your Device and if the Data has consumed more than the expected amount. You must shift the Backup files to the other external storage source

How to backup iPhone to external hard drive mac:

There are two methods to shift the iPhone Backup to the External hard Disk without any data loss. And both the methods are recommended in their own ways. You can choose any of the Below mentioned Methods to get the Job done.

Method-1: Direct Transfer of the Backup File

Here we see Mac to make a Connectivity with Source and Destination Device. and we do this way:

Step-1: Finding the Backup Folder and Files

  • Open iTunes, and Connect your iPhone device to the Mac PC
  • Wait till the Device name shows up on the iTunes, Then Select your device
  • Open Right-click Menu on the device name and Click on ‘Show in Finder’ option
  • Locate the Backup Folder from all the list of Options

Step-2: Transfer the iPhone Backup to External Drive:

Once you locate your backup folder in the iPhone, do this:

  • Connect the External Hard Drive to the Mac Computer, let the drive load on the iTunes
  • Now go to Backup Folder in the iPhone, select it -> Copy the Backup Folder and files
  • Paste them on the External Hard Drive as a Duplicate copy of the iPhone data

Done, you have successfully transferred Data from iPhone to Mac Computer with in a Short time.

Method-2: Third Party Data Transfer Tool

A Third party software can help you in transferring the data from iPhone to other External Hard drive. it does the job in a Short time, without involving other softwares while doing the task. Let’s Check the procedure now:

  • Download the EaseUS MobiMover software and Install the MobiMover Software online
  • Launch the MobiMover app, Connect the iPhone device and the External Hard Drive to the Mac Computer
  • Let the EaseUS MobiMover Application show the iPhone & External disk on the dashboard
  • Select the 1-Click Transfer on the available options , Click on ‘Next’
  • In Next step, Select the Source as the iPhone and Destination as the External Hard Drive
  • Now in Third step, Select each and every Backup file on the iPhone and Click on Proceed
  • Finally Confirm the Moving of Data with ‘Transfer’ Button

That’s it, you are successfully Moved the Data from Source Device to the External Hard Drive

If the data is overloaded in iPhone:

From above two methods, we learnt to create a Duplicate copy of Backup file in an External device and if your iPhone device is facing an Memory issue, then you must delete the backup file from the Mobile. This way you could make more space in the iPhone device without any errors

You can erase the backup files from the iPhone by keeping a Copy of it on other external Storage device. But you need to do it in a Perfect manner. so make sure to follow this below step

Once you have saved a Duplicate copy of Backup file and before you delete the Complete file, create a Sample Copy of the backup file to Trigger the iPhone to save the Latest backup files in it


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