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How To Clean Mac In Quick & Easy Steps – 2020 Tech News

All Mac users have always wondered how they can clean up their Mac? Do not worry anymore. We got you covered. In this article, we will briefly discuss How to Clean Mac by optimizing storage and reducing clutter. To know about: How To Clean Mac In Quick & Easy Steps, keep on reading!
How to clean mac?
To begin with, freeing up disk space on Mac, choose About This Mac from the Apple () menu, and then click Storage. Then you can see an overview of all free space. And also the space used by categories of different files, including apps, documents, and photos.
You can also click the Manage button for any new recommendations to optimize your Storage. You’ll then see fewer options if some of them are already turned on.
Store in iCloud:
In the iCloud button click store, and then choose from these options:
Desktop and Documents. This option Stores all files in these two locations in iCloud Drive. Whenever you need storage space, only those files you recently opened are kept on your Mac. So, that you can efficiently work offline and those files that are stored only in the cloud show, which you can double-click to download the original file.
All your original, full-resolution photos and videos that are stored in your iCloud photo library. And when storage space is needed, the only space-saving or optimized versions of photos are kept on your Mac.
To Store files in your iCloud, it uses the storage space in your iCloud storage plan.
How To Clean Mac By Optimizing Storage:
After clicking the Optimize button, and then choose from these options.
The first option to Automatically remove watched iTunes movies and TV shows. Whenever storage space is needed, iTunes movies, TV shows that you already watched are deleted automatically from your Mac.
Download only recent attachments. Mail on your device automatically downloads the attachments that you received recently. You can also download any attachments at any time manually by opening the email or attachment. Or by saving the attachment to your Mac.
When Storage is optimized for movies, TV shows, and email attachments don’t require any cloud storage space.
Empty your Trash Automatically
The Empty option Trash Automatically deletes files permanently that have been in the Trash for almost more than 30 days.
How To Clean Mac By Reduce Clutter:
Reduce the Clutter option that helps you to identify large files and files you might not need. Also, Click the Review Files button. a
And then choose any of the file categories in sidebars, such as Applications, Documents, iOS Files, GarageBand, iTunes, or Trash.
Some categories allow you to delete files directly whereas other categories show total storage space used by files in each app. You will then be able to open the app and decide whether you want to delete files from within it.
How to free up storage space manually
Without even using the Optimized Storage features of Sierra or any later, you can take a few other steps to make little more storage space.
Delete those files by moving them to the Trash, then empty the Trash. Downloads folder is often a good place to look for files that you might not need. Move files to an external drive. Compress files.
Delete emails that are not necessary: Go to the Mail app, choose Mailbox > Erase Junk Mail. And if you no longer need those emails in your Trash mailbox, choose Mailbox > Erase Deleted Items.
How to find the settings for each feature?
Store in your iCloud:
Choose the Apple menu and then System Preferences, then click iCloud, and then click the Options button which is next to iCloud Drive. Also, Store in iCloud turns on the Desktop & Documents Folders and Optimizes Mac Storage settings. In order to turn off iCloud Drive entirely, deselect iCloud Drive.
In Photos on your Mac, choose Photos > Preferences, click iCloud. Store in iCloud selects your iCloud photo library and Optimize Mac Storage.
To Optimize Storage:
In iTunes to optimize Storage, choose iTunes > Preferences, then click Advanced. This Optimize Storage option selects “Automatically delete watched movies, TV shows.”
In Mail to Optimize Storage, choose Mail > Preferences, and then click Accounts. Again in the Account Information section of the email account, Optimize Storage sets Download Attachments pop-up menu to either Recent or None.
Empty Trash Automatically: Go the Finder, choose Finder > Preferences, then click Advanced. Empty Trash Automatically will select “Remove items from the Trash after 30 days.”
How to Clean Mac:
If you haven’t ever performed an automatic or manual system cleaning for your Mac, then it means that your Mac has been collecting unnecessary files and clutter for years. Here are some “How to clean Mac” easy and quick steps with which you can quickly clean up your Mac:
How to clean Mac easy and quick steps:
- Try cleaning up cache
- Uninstall all the apps that aren’t useful
- Trim down your logins
- Remove all old mail attachments
- Keep emptying your trash
- Delete all old files
- Delete large files
- Remove all your old iOs backups
- Delete all Disk images (DMGs) and iPhone software bundles (IPSW) that are unnecessary
- Wipeout all language files
- Remove all Duplicates
After reading this blog, we are sure that you will be able to clean your Mac and free up some space! You can clean your Mac and enjoy the optimized storage and better performance. HAPPY CLEANING!
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Thank you for reading: How To Clean Mac In Quick & Easy Steps – 2020 Tech News.