How to clear disk space on Mac | Mac Tips

How to clear space on Mac: Mac Computer are costliest than the regular Laptops, and when we consider the individual parts of the Mac PC, it shows you a higher price for each device. And you see that your hard drive is filled up on your Mac PC, you may seek for other Hard Drive to cope with the increasing Data. If in case you want to optimize the Complete data and make some space in it, you must Pick the useless files in a Manual Way, or you could do it with Automated Process too.

Manually tracing out the Duplicate or Useless is Tough; also it takes a lot of time, and when we think of Automatic procedure, we must go for Software applications to find the Temporary files, software left overs, etc. And we could trust every software we see on the Internet; We must pick the best one out of all the available Software tools now. So to help you with the procedure for finding the Duplicate Files, we have Listed the most recommended tools for you to make use of. Read this article completely to know about ‘How to Clear up Mac Hard Drive’ without any issues.

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How to Free up space on Mac:

Automatic Method:

If you don’t feel like spending a bunch of time to find and clean things up manually, you can use CleanMyMac 3 to get rid of temporary files, clean up extra language files, uninstall applications, get rid of extra files left behind by application uninstallations, find and get rid of big attachments stored in Mail, and a whole lot more.

It has all the features of the cleaning applications we talk about in this article, but a single app—except for finding duplicate files, which you’ll still want to use Gemini 2 for. Luckily it’s the same vendor that makes Gemini 2, and you can get them both as a bundle.

The applications like Gemini 2 offers you to remove duplicate files with a slick and easy interface. You can buy it on the App Store if you want — Apple had this one as their Editors’ Choice, but you’re probably better off getting it from their website because they have a free trial available here.

Manual Method: How to delete files on mac

Clear the cache:

  • Click Finder app, Go to Library/Caches.
  • Select all the Files and Click on delete to create space on hard drive.

Erase unwanted Backup files:

Backup Files consume more Memory space. To delete the older Backup Files this way:

  • Go to iTunes>Library.

There you find the list of backup, Select the older file and Delete them.

Empty the Trash Can:

Clear the Trash Can every time, any time you move a file to Bin. It will be holding a Bite of Hard Disk.

Remove Software left overs:

You need to Clear the software data as soon as you delete an application on your Mac PC or else it will consume the RAM along with the Memory Space on PC.

Uninstall useless App:

Remove all the unwanted or Useless Software Applications on the Mac PC,  Even it is not running on the desktop; it will take a bite of RAM and Memory Space. So uninstall the Applications if they are not useless at all.

Delete the Duplicate Image Files:

Find the Duplicate Images files on the Hard Disk to create a huge amount of space. Because Every High-Quality image will occupy the Space in a minimum of 5MB Each. So follow this:

  • Go to Photos Library on the PC via Finder Application.
  • Click on all the duplicate files and Delete the Pictures.

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